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He also set her up with an apartment with everything she would need. When asked about discovering and helping our R&B singer Kehlani: He made a deal with her if she finished high school, he would help her in the music industry, and put her in the position to make the music she wanted to.Nick said he started wearing the turban because it was more of a spiritual thing for him that took a life of its own.Nick recently wiped his Instagram clean of all pictures saying “I felt like I wasn’t making any money off Instagram and they had all my content”, he also went on about how social media can take over our lives and its better to just disconnect and stepping back from Instagram helped him in keeping the family relationship going between his kids and Mariah Carey.

On casting new Wild N' Out girls: “Im casting the wild n out girls differently than I have before”.When asked about how many wild n out girls has he smashed he jokes around saying “all of them”.On if there have ever been boring guests on the show he said there have been but sometimes people are scared when they go up on Wild N’ Out, Such as Blac Chyna who was extremely nervous when she was on.
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